Friday, October 17, 2008

Wow! An update!

This is sad as far as updates go. I don't really want to talk about all the things I probably need to talk about, so I'll just quote Paul in saying that forgetting what lies behind, I press on.

I hate halloween. Hate, hate, hate it! Why is it suddenly bigger than Christmas? Why do I, as a Christian, feel like the odd man out among other Christians when I say we don't do halloween? If a "fall carnival" is on October 31, the kids dress up in costumes, and candy is passed out, how is that ANY different? At least some people are honest enough to call it a "safe alternative" to trick-or-treating, but I get so frustrated when people try to fool themselves (and others) by saying, "Well, we don't do halloween either, we just go to the church's thing." Now, don't get me wrong. I'm all for outreach and this is obviously one way to do it, but don't try to make yourself feel good by calling it something else.

We have to have an alternate route through our neighborhood at this time of year just to avoid the house with a severed head in the front yard. My kids just got past our house being "haunted" (thanks a lot, Marco) so do we really need this? Now there's a friend of one of the neighbor girls who says she and her mom are witches that can talk to dead people and make you blind. Well, isn't that great. So I had a little sit-down with my kids about what the Bible says and how the devil fools people and that there are evil spirits, but there are also angels and let's not forget about Jesus. Just another brace in the structure that is homeschooling.

This same girl (the witchy one) is also telling my kids to vote for Obama (hello, they're too young to vote!) because he wants to make our country free and free the slaves. Um, we already did that, right? I can't help wondering where she heard this load of crap: her mom, school, possibly the media (although I hadn't heard that particular slant). This from a 10 year old. Okay then, let's pull out our handy voter's guide and have a little civics lesson. And yes, I'm totally writing that down in my homeschool records: Civics, 30 minutes.

This is a scary world. Most people have no idea. It makes you want to sell everything and move to the country, but we couldn't be salt and light then, could we? There is no growth in a bubble. How much longer, Lord?

Wow, these are "Ramblings by Jenn". Oh, looky... the mail's here. Gotta run!