Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hair today...gone tomorrow!

I finally did it! I got so sick of my long hair I went today and got about 10-12 inches taken off. I had the salon send it in for me to be donated to Locks of Love. Saves me from having to go buy a padded envelope to put it in. I feel so free not to have this ponytail wrapping around my neck! Ugh! It took forever to dry it and it shed (shedded?) like crazy. It tended to part itself down the middle which enabled me to do a fairly passable Cher impersonation. I feel so light and free now, and maybe a little bit sassy. It is just a smidge shorter than I wanted, but it will grow back quickly. It's a little longer than chin length, kind of angled in around my face, softly layered in the back, and I now have the long swoopy bangs. I've had a similar cut before and I really like it. I highly recommend finding a good stylist and just telling her to go at it and do what she wants with your hair. They have so much fun and it beats trying to figure it out on you own. I tried putting some pics on here but I've never done that before so one got cut in half. Oh well.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Lucky Me!

My friends hate me. They get mad at me because I'm one of those weird people who seem to win stuff all the time. Hey, if you don't enter, you won't win, right? Well, too bad! I am a winner once again!

Yesterday I'm just sittin' here at the computer and Will calls to ask if I had entered a contest on the radio. Well, duh! He said a friend of ours heard my name announced so she called him so he could call me. I had 3 minutes left to call in or I would have lost my prize. Anyhoo, the radio station calls out names at 3 different times in the day, and you have about 10 minutes to call in to claim your prize: the new Third Day CD. But wait, there's more! They're giving away 18 of the CD's and in each one is a bonus prize. So I picked CD #9 and got a GPS unit for the car! So cool! It's gonna rock on our trip to NC for Christmas. It's also a MP3 player. I picke it up today and I've almost used up the whole battery just playing around with it.

When I got home today and brought in the mail, I was pleasantly surprised, no, knocked-over, by what I found: an advance reader's copy of the new book by one of my favorite authors, Brandilyn Collins. It'd been so long since I had requested it, I'd assumed I just didn't make the cut. My only problem now is that I'm in the middle of another good book that I don't want to put down just yet. What a problem!

It's been a very good day. Aside from all that winning, Will picked us up this morning so we could all go vote together as a family. The line wasn't long at all, just long enough for the kids to grab a cookie! The kids went into the, well, not really a booth, more like a sectioned off table, with me so I let them help me vote. Emma drew the line for McCain/Palin, then Ethan did the straight-party voting for the rest of the Republican candidates, and Marica got to put the ballot in the machine. Afterwards we went by Starbucks for my free cup of coffee (which kind of tasted like pine. Don't ask me why.) . The line at Chick-fil-a was waaayy too long for 3 free chicken strips, so we just went on to Krispy Kreme for our free doughnut. Unfortunately it was just for the adult who voted, so I split my doughnut with the kids. Will had gone back to work.

Gotta run....