Saturday, January 3, 2009

Thank goodness for the new year!

What a way to start off the year...sick. I'm just glad last year is over! Let's see, our health was under attack, our ministry was attacked, our children were under attack, our marriage was attacked, our finances were attacked, our extended family was attacked, ummm.....what else? I guess Satan felt threatened by whatever it is that we're doing right and decided to try to sidetrack us. Well, fortunately, I feel like we came out stronger because of it, praise God, and it is only through His strength and grace and mercy that I feel like I can say that. I learned so much about Him last year and I'm so thankful for the beauty that came from the ashes.

I must say I am looking forward to what this year will bring. This is my last year in Cell ministry, and as much as I love my girls I am looking forward to some down time, especially due to all the changes and upheaval the past few months have brought. Also this year, Will and I plan to have a ceremony to renew our vows. I know 13 is not a milestone anniversary (or even a lucky number), but God has granted us a renewal of our marriage, and I don't want to wait to celebrate that. I'm hoping to really do it up big.

By the end of the year we'll be that much closer to getting out of debt again, so maybe we'll be able to start putting some money towards a newer car for Will. Or maybe a fridge, or new windows for the house, or a new heating & air system, or re-doing my bathroom, or fixing the stairs, or maybe even schoolbooks for the kids. If you know Santa personally, could you pass my list along? I promise I'll be good. Mostly.

Even though today isn't really that much different than a week ago or even a month ago, a new year brings new opportunities to grow and to serve. It's a time to put the past behind us and hit the "reset" button. It's a time to "forget what lies behind and press on toward the goal". Let's get 2009 started!

1 comment:

Preston and Rachel said...

Sounds like your new year is off to a great start. Hope you have a good one!