Monday, June 1, 2009

The end of an era

'Tis a bittersweet moment. We've gone to 6 graduations, 6 graduation parties, spent 5 years with an amazing group of girls, watched them all as they blossomed into amazing young women, then *poof*. Just like that, it's over. I thank God for allowing me to be a part of something pretty darn wonderful, and I can't believe it's done. Hopefully, I'll still be a part of my girls' lives, but it won't be the same as spending time with them every week. Hopefully they learned something from me about God and life, but I probably won't know til I get to Heaven. I take no credit for their servant spirits, their mission desires, their strength of character. That was all God, and He had some great material to work with. Anyway, while I'm kinda excited to have a mostly clear calendar, I'm going to miss it. I don't think I know yet just how much I'm going to miss it.

Now my calendar begins to fill with activities for my own kids. No more excuses of doing stuff with "the big girls". No more, "Not now, honey, Mommy's planning something." Summer is full of possibilities and adventure. Of course, the real adventure will be seeing how much we can do on a skeletal budget! I need to relax and enjoy these days because soon school will begin again in earnest and I need to be prepared. We'll be in 5th grade, 3rd grade, and 1st grade this fall and this will be the time to get my butt in gear and make school what I dream it can be.

Gotta get ready now...we're hitting the free movie this afternoon @ Riverwalk.

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